Each new moon marks a fresh start, a moment to reflect, refine intentions, and pursue continual growth.

  • Family Goals - Reflect on your relationships with loved ones.

    • Questions to Ask:

      • How can I support my family more?

      • What activities can we enjoy together this month?

      • Are there any unresolved issues that need attention?

  • Business/Career Goals - Focus on your professional aspirations and/or business growth.

    • Questions to Ask:

      • What milestones do I want to achieve ?

      • How can I improve productivity and efficiency?

      • Are there new skills or knowledge I want/need to acquire?

  • Self Goals - Nurture your personal growth and self-care.

    • Questions to Ask:

      • What areas of my personal life need more attention?

      • How can I practice better self-care?

      • What hobbies or interests do I want to explore?

    Action Steps:

    • Commit to a daily self-care routine.

    • Start a new hobby or revisit an old one.

    • Set aside time each week for self-care, relaxation and reflection.

  • Set Your Intentions

    Write down your reflections and goals in a journal. Setting clear intentions helps manifest your desires and keeps you accountable. Review and adjust your goals as needed during the lunar cycle.

    Action Steps:

    • Use a journal or planner dedicated to new moon reflections.

    • Share your goals with a friend or family member for support.

    • Revisit your intentions at the next new moon to track progress. description


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