Class Descriptions

Discover your flow and what feels best for your mind, body and soul.

The Transformative Power of Yoga, a practice that invites you to cultivate serenity and emotional balance on and off the mat. At The Yoga Space, we believe true equanimity lies in finding inner stillness amidst the chaos of daily life.

In this practice, we delve deep into the essence of equanimity, which is the art of maintaining calmness and emotional balance in the face of challenges. Our classes integrate challenging, yet mindful postures, movement, breathwork, and meditation to guide you towards a state of inner peace.

Please check the room for heated and gentle heat class options.

Yin Yang (YY)

More active than Yin or Restorative, this class moves at a slower pace.  It is a gentle approach to yoga practice with an emphasis on opening and lengthening through “active” and “non-active” stretching.

Seasonal Flow

“Nurturing Seasonal Harmony in Your Yoga Practice”

Our Seasonal Flow class provides a unique opportunity to harmonize with the rhythms of nature. This set vinyasa flow is designed to align with the current season, inviting you to delve deeper into your practice through intentional movement and breath.

In this class, you will:

  • Engage in a Set Vinyasa Flow: A consistent sequence for the season to help you connect more profoundly with each pose and transition.

  • Experience Minimal Cueing: Allowing for a meditative, more silent practice, fostering a deeper internal focus.

  • Move at a faster pace: Encouraging a more dynamic and invigorating experience compared to our typical classes.

Join us to learn and embody a flow that not only challenges you physically but also nurtures your connection with the world around you. Dive into the rhythm of the season, move with purpose, and breathe with intention.

Click here to learn more about the current Seasonal Flow

Foundation-Hot Hybrid

Yoga Fusion is a blend of various yoga styles to create a unique and diverse practice, providing an opportunity to explore different facets of Yoga.

Each teacher will bring a unique style and influences of static postures, dynamic movements, flow sequences, breathwork, strength-building exercises, and/or flexibility-enhancing stretches.

This class pays homage to the origins of our hot yoga lineage. Created by Bishnu Ghosh and adapted by Bikram Choudhury, Jimmy Barkan, & Tony Sanchez. Students will be guided through a scientifically proven series of postures known and loved for decades worldwide.

Yoga Fusion


This class focuses on connecting movement with breath, flowing from one asana (posture) to the next. Vinyasa is a dynamic and high energy practice that builds heat in the body and develops strength.

Ashtanga (GH)

Ashtanga Primary Series is a set sequence of asanas (postures) that forms the foundation of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. The Practice consists of a specific order of postures linked together with vinyasas (movement-breath coordination).

Gentle Heat (GH)

“Build Your Own Internal Heat”

We offer classes in a gently heated room. Please check the schedule for Gentle Heat (GH) class options.